In today's rapidly advancing world, the reliability and quality of power have become more critical than ever. The interconnected systems and sensitive electronic devices of the modern digital economy require an almost perfect power supply. However, power quality (PQ) issues such as voltage sags, harmonics, and transients remain prevalent, posing significant challenges to utilities and end-users al...
What is the active power compensator? Active Power Compensator (APC) is an advanced power electronic device used to manage and optimize the flow of active power in electrical power systems. It helps to enhance power quality, improve voltage stability, and increase the overall efficiency of the power distribution network. APCs are particularly useful in applications where there are significant fluc...
How SVG compensation for leading reactive power? What kind of load is prone to generating leading power reactive power? Leading power factor conditions typically occur when a system has capacitive loads or a surplus of capacitive reactance over inductive reactance. Capacitive loads store energy in an electric field, unlike inductive loads that store energy in a magnetic field. When these lo...
Why Reactive power compensation is necessary on solar site? Backgaround With the development of the economy and the improvement of green energy awareness, more and more regions are using clean energy and installing a large number of solar power generation equipment. With the widespread use of photovoltaic power generation, many users have found that there are power adjustment fees, namely power fi...
kVAr and Amps in power quality Reactive Power (kVAR) Reactive power, measured in kilovolt-amperes reactive (kVAR), is the component of alternating current (AC) power that does not perform any actual work but is necessary for maintaining the voltage levels required for the active (real) power to do useful work. It is associated with the energy storage in inductive and capacitive elements of the pow...
Understanding the IEEE 519–2014 Standard for Harmonics The IEEE 519-2014 standard establishes criteria for voltage and current harmonics distortion in electrical system design. It provides detailed explanations of the existing voltage and current waveforms throughout the system and sets waveform distortion goals for system designers. The standard undergoes periodic updates to stay align...
Neutral current and Active harmonic filter Active Harmonic Filter (AHF) and Neutral Current Active Harmonic Filter (AHF) is used to improve power quality, by harmonics filtering, reactive power compensation and 3 phase balancing in power systems. Harmonics are voltage or current waveforms that are integer multiples of the fundamental frequency. They can cause various power quality issues, includin...
Introduction This blog compares harmonic mitigation techniques across various applications in real time. It examines different aspects of active and passive series and shunt filters, focusing on reducing harmonic loading in drive systems. It discusses the pros and cons of parallel and series approaches, as well as active and passive solutions, supplemented by practical results from several case st...